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  • 3D SNAPスリーディースナップ

    「3D SNAP」は愛犬を特殊な3Dカメラでスキャンし、3Dプリンターで世界にひとつだけのオリジナルフィギュアを作成できるショップである。



    "3D SNAP" is a shop where you can scan your beloved dog with a special 3D camera and create a one-of-a-kind figurine of your dog using a 3D printer.

    Our planned store is in Higashi-Azabu, Minato Ward, and it will be in a compact space of 16.5 square meters.
    For the facade display, which serves as the core element of the space, we are producing a round object that will serve as the backdrop for the display stand. The round object symbolizes the single "point" of one's "unique memory."
    Additionally, drawing inspiration from the nearby Tokyo Tower, a neighborhood landmark, we incorporated elements of its truss structure into the design of our reinforcement materials.

    Elements such as the counter opposite the central scanning booth are crafted with flowing curves to evoke a gentle impression and built from pure white material to make their presence more subtle.

    Despite its compact size, the space embodies the shop's relationship with the local area and clearly communicates its purpose.


  • AETHER GINZA エーテル 銀座


    “わたしに、咲く” というブランドコンセプトが大きな顔になっており、アイテムにもキュートな花柄や女性らしいカラーリングや質感が明解に表現されていることから、空間プランにおいてもブランドの考え方にかなり近い位置での繋がりを持たせることが重要だと考えた。

    空間に花が広がりピンク色に染まりゆくシーンを想像しながら 、“色”からつくり出される空間作りを意識した。

    Interior design for the growing leather brand Aether, known for its ladies' purses made from high quality real leather.
    The store is located on one street corner in Ginza, a luxury retail area famous for its concentration of flagship stores of high class foreign brands.

    We decided to use the brand's own concept "In myself, bloom" as our main inspiration. Cute floral patterns and feminine coloring and textures are clearly expressed in the goods, so we thought it was important to have an open plan in which customers could get close to the brand and make a connection to its way of thinking.

    This time, instead of employing the conventional method of combining different textures in order to create a space, we wanted to create a feeling of femininity that you could take in in one glance. So, while imagining a scene full of flowers and suffused with pink, we were conscious of creating a space created from "color".

    The salmon pink walls have flower petal detailing, while the r–curves make for gentle flow lines despite the compact store interior.

    It is also fascinating to see the pink contrast that has appeared in the Ginza streetscape attracting the attention of pedestrians.

  • BIZOUX NAGOYAビズー 名古屋

  • KURA CHIKA by POTER TACHIKAWAクラチカ バイ ポーター 立川



    This is the shop design of KURA CHIKA that is the only retail shop directly run by YOSHIDA KABAN.
    Tachikawa KURA CHIKA is on the 2nd floor of GRANDUO next to JR Tachikawa Station.
    Now the KURA CHIKA is grand re-opening with the renovation of Granduo.

    As GRANDUO is a suburban-type shopping mall, many families are expected to visit our shop
    Therefore, we created the shop design based on the concept of family gathering “LIVING.”
    We aimed to let customers feel like archiving everyday memories on “LIVING”; a keyword “CABINET” was taken into space as interior device and dotted as the object equipped with functions.
    Furthermore, we have been particular about “Made in Japan,” so we have proactively incorporated Japanese materials such as “shikkui”(plasters) and “genshoseki”(type of slate) in order to emphasize the willingness as the company in business for 80 years.

  • Round Code Pendant Lightラウンドコードペンダントライト